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قانون کا جائزہ لینا

جاری ہے 04

Patents 02


Book Chapter 02

مارکوس پاؤلو پرا�ڈو کی تصویر

جرنل پیپرز 20


کانفرنس پیپرز 08

کام جاری ہے

  1. Khan, I. L., Nauman A., Iqbal, A., et al. Enhancing Spectrum Sensing Efficiency in Multi-Channel Cognitive Device-to-Device Networks: MAC Layer Strategies and Analysis (2023). (In Progress-Submitted)

  2. Malik, A. A., Nauman, A., Iqbal, A., et al, (2023). Handover Triggering Condition Optimization in Heterogeneous Network Environment of Urban Areas Using Mobility Models. (In Progress-Submitted)

  3. Khan, M.F., Iqbal, A., Pesch, D. (2023). Enhancing Industrial 4.0 Connectivity: A D2D-Based Algorithm for Blind Spot Mitigation in 5G Future Networks enabled Smart Industry. (Accepted in Globcom2023)

  4. Khan, M.F., Faryal, M. Iqbal, A., (2023). Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts on 5G Technology using ML. (Accepted ICCET2023 Conference)


P02 Methods and IRS systems for integrating IRS systems into mobile devices, Patent Filed in Republic of Korea in collaboration with Yeungnam University dated 1st May 2024, Patent application completion report (2024000076) (Submitted)

P01 D2D communication-based cellular network system and base stations providing incentives in the said system and methods, Patent Filed in the Republic of Korea in collaboration with Yeungnam University dated 12th July 2023, Patent application completion report (2023000099) (Submitted)

Book Chapter

B02 Adeel Iqbal,  et. al. (2024). Book Title "Design and Analysis of Green and Sustainable IoT Technologies for Future Wireless Communications"  Chater "Role of Non-terrestrial Networks in Achieving Sustainability in IoT Devices" Publisher "Elsevier" (Submitted- In Progress)

B01 Adeel Iqbal,  et. al. (2024). Book Title "Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks" eBook ISBN "978-3-031-63705-6", Print ISBN "978-3-031-63704-9" Chapter "IoT and M2M Applications in Satellite Networks" Publisher "Springer"

جرنل پبلیکیشنز

J20. Iqbal, A., Hussain, R., Nauman A. Bilal, M,” Cognitive D2D communication: A comprehensive survey, research challenges, and future directions,” Internet of Things, pp. 100961, 2023. 

J19. Iqbal, Adeel, Ali Nauman, Riaz Hussain, "Device Discovery in D2D Communication: Scenarios and Challenges." CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA 75, no. 1 (2023): 1735-1750.


J18. Hameed, Asad, Ali Nauman, Munleef Quadir, Irfan Latif Khan, Adeel Iqbal, "Advanced Modulation Scheme of a Dual-Active-Bridge Series Resonant Converter (DABSRC) for Enhanced Performance." Mathematics 10, no. 23 (2022): 4402.


J17. Iqbal, Adeel, Muddasir Rahim, Riaz Hussain, "cDERSA: Cognitive D2D enabled relay selection algorithm to mitigate blind-spots in 5G cellular networks." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 89972-89988.


J16. Iqbal, Adeel, Riaz Hussain, Atif Shakeel, Irfan Latif Khan, "Enhanced spectrum access for QoS provisioning in multi-class cognitive D2D communication system." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 33608-33624.


J15. Shakeel, Atif, Riaz Hussain, Adeel Iqbal, "Spectrum handoff based on imperfect channel state prediction probabilities with collision reduction in cognitive radio ad hoc networks." Sensors 19, no. 21 (2019): 4741.


J14. Shakeel, Atif, Riaz Hussain, Adeel Iqbal, "Analysis of efficient spectrum handoff in a multi-class hybrid spectrum access cognitive radio network using Markov modelling." Sensors 19, no. 19 (2019): 4120.


J13. Khan, Irfan Latif, Riaz Hussain, Atif Shakeel, Adeel Iqbal, "Efficient idle channel discovery mechanism through cooperative parallel sensing in cognitive radio network." EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2018 (2018): 1-15.


J12. Murkaz, Ahmed, Riaz Hussain, Junaid Ahmed, Muhammad Adil, Babatunji Omoniwa, and Adeel Iqbal. "An intra–inter-cell device-to-device communication scheme to enhance 5G network throughput with delay modeling." Telecommunication Systems 69 (2018): 461-475.


J11. Khan, Irfan Latif, Riaz Hussain, Adeel Iqbal, "Design and evaluation of self organizing, collision free MAC protocol for distributed cognitive radio networks." Wireless Personal Communications 99 (2018): 1081-1101.


J10. Omoniwa, Babatunji, Riaz Hussain, Junaid Ahmed, Adeel Iqbal, "A novel model for minimizing unnecessary handover in heterogeneous networks." Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 26, no. 4 (2018): 1771-1782.


J9. Irfan, Muhammad, Jamshed Iqbal, Adeel Iqbal, "Opportunities and challenges in control of smart grids–Pakistani perspective." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71 (2017): 652-674.


J8. Iqbal, Adeel, Mariam Akbar, Nadeem Javaid, "Advanced LEACH: A static clustering-based heterogeneous routing protocol for WSNs." arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.1146 (2013).


J7. Tahir, Muhammad, Nadeem Javaid, Adeel Iqbal, "On adaptive energy-efficient transmission in wsns." International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 9, no. 5 (2013): 923714.


J6. Manzoor, Basit, Nadeem Javaid, O. Rehman, Mariam Akbar, Qaisar Nadeem, Adeel Iqbal, and M. Ishfaq. "Q-LEACH: A new routing protocol for WSNs." Procedia Computer Science 19 (2013): 926-931.


J5. Rehman, O., Nadeem Javaid, Basit Manzoor, Abdul Hafeez, Adeel Iqbal, and M. Ishfaq. "Energy consumption rate based stable election protocol (ECRSEP) for WSNs." Procedia computer science 19 (2013): 932-937.


J4. Qureshi, T. N., Nadeem Javaid, A. H. Khan, Adeel Iqbal, "BEENISH: Balanced energy efficient network integrated super heterogeneous protocol for wireless sensor networks." Procedia Computer Science 19 (2013): 920-925.


J3.  Javaid, Nadeem, T. N. Qureshi, A. H. Khan, Adeel Iqbal, "EDDEEC: Enhanced developed distributed energy-efficient clustering for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks." Procedia computer science 19 (2013): 914-919.


J2. Siddiqi, Muhammad Faisal, Muhammad Kamran Bhatti, Sana Shuja, Shaista Jabeen, Saeed Ahmad, Adeel Iqbal, "ASIC Design Implementation of Memory Efficient Infinite Impulse Response UWB Equalizer." PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY 88, no. 3 B (2012): 223-227.


J1. Hussain, Riaz, Shahzad A. Malik, Raja A. Riaz, Saeed Ahmed, Ghufran Shafiq, Adeel Iqbal, "A Host Based Autonomous Scheme for Seamless Vertical Handover." Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), ISSN 33, no. 2097 (2012): 314-318.

کانفرنس پبلیکیشنز

C8. Adeel Iqbal, A. Nauman, M. A. Jamshed, A. Kaushik and W. Shin, "Optimizing Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for mmWave Communications in IoT Networks," 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10294069.

C7. M. F. Khan, A. Rashid, Adeel Iqbal and D. Pesch, "Enabling High-Speed Connectivity in Urban Environments Through Composite Base Stations and Dynamic Spectrum Scheduling," 2023 IEEE 34th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PIMRC56721.2023.10294017.

C6. Khan, Muhammad Farhan, Dirk Pesch, Adeel Iqbal, "A Novel Multi-User Space-Time Block Coding based Superposition Transmission for Future Generation Wireless Networks." In 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2023.


C5. Shakeel, Atif, Adeel Iqbal, "6G driven Vehicular Tracking in Smart Cities using Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces." In 2023 IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2023.


C4. Shakeel, Atif, Riaz Hussain, Adeel Iqbal, "Adaptive spectrum handoff scheme in cognitive radio Ad-hoc networks." In 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE), pp. 127-132. IEEE, 2018.


C3.  Latif, K., Nadeem Javaid, Adeel Iqbal, "Energy Hole Analysis for Energy Efficient Routing in BANs." In 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, pp. 920-924. IEEE, 2014.


C2. Ahmed, S., Nadeem Javaid, Mariam Akbar, Adeel Iqbal, "LAEEBA: Link aware and energy efficient scheme for body area networks." In 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, pp. 435-440. IEEE, 2014.


C1. Yousaf, S., Mariam Akbar, Nadeem Javaid, A. Iqbal, "Cemob: Critical data transmission in emergency with mobility support in wbans." In 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, pp. 915-919. IEEE, 2014.

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